Friday, September 18, 2009

Framing on a dime

So you got a great deal on that piece of art. Now don’t break the bank framing it. Here are a few cheap alternatives to having a piece of art professionally framed.

* Find a frame shop where you get a discount for doing some of the work. Most of the time, they’ll even supervise and give help when you need it.

* If you have your own miter saw, save money by building your own frame. Just leave the matting to the professionals, since it tends to be more complicated and requires special tools.

* Check out yard sales in your area. If you know the measurements of the print, you might find a used frame at a rock-bottom price. That still leaves assembly, matting, and maybe even glass, but ultimately the total cost will be lower.

* Keep costs down by buying your supplies a-la-carte and letting the professionals do the rest. Look for your mat, frame, and glass at craft stores where pieces are sold separately in standard sizes.

* Enjoy arts-and-crafts? There are tons of ways to keep your framing expenses down when you’re willing to get a little crafty. Check out craft magazines to learn how to make one-of-a-kind frames using household items and things from nature. For more ideas, browse Web sites like and

All the best,


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